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Old Man of Hoy, Orkney Islands

We walk with groups to this sea stack off the east coast of the Isle of Hoy every year. You start from Rackwick, which is beautifully located between towering cliffs. It is a steep ascent to the top of the cliffs. After this you walk across the plateau to the Old Man of Hoy. It is a good path all the way, rocky in places.
We have done this walk many times and it never bores.

Old Man of HoyThe Old Man of Hoy towers above the cliffs.

We usually sail to the Orkney's from Aberdeen, but in May we sailed with a group with Northlink ferries from Scrabster to Stromness on Orkney. The boat sails past the Old Man of Hoy.We had the evening ferry, the weather was beautiful and the low sun was shining on the Old Man casting a large shadow on the cliff. It was the first time I saw the Old Man from the sea and it was stunning. When you look at it from the top of the cliff on Hoy, the sea stack looks solid, but from the sea you notice how much the top part is eroded and you wonder how long it will hold!

Hoy, the Old Man sea stackThe Old Man of Hoy from the ferry. You can see how much of the top is already eroded.

The Old Man of Hoy sea stack from the ferry

Two days later we took the group to the Isle of Hoy and drove to Rackwick for the walk to the Old Man. The weather was still holding and we had a great day.

The Old Man seen from HoyThe Old Man of Hoy from the cliffs.

At the foot of the Old Man of Hoy
Our guide Tim Hamlet at the foot of the Old Man.